Product Overview

Holistic spend management

With our software and cards, the entire process from budgeting, purchase and invoice approval to payment and transfer to accounting can be managed on one consistent platform.

Invoice approval: Have OCR read out all the invoice information and let it flow straight into your approval flow.

Invoice approval

From receipt and capture to verification and approval, you process all invoices and receipts quickly, easily and digitally using rule-based workflows.

Praparatory accounting: finway automatically fills in information for you.

Preparatory accounting

Assign receipts and postings directly, and reallocate cost centers and expense accounts. In this way, you prepare the bookkeeping efficiently for tax consultants and the internal accounting department.

Company cards: Equip your whole team with company cards.

Payments & company cards

Link your bank to finway and transfer open amounts directly without leaving the tool. With the virtual and physical cards, you also make flexible purchases online and offline.

Travel expense management: finway automatically calculates your mileage and lump sums.

Travel Expense Management

Whether it be travel costs or cash expenses – with finway you can manage all expenses and reimburse them directly to your employees.

Budget control & reporting: Always have the overview over your budgets in real-time.

Budget control & reporting

Comprehensive reporting gives you full transparency on settled and upcoming expenses. With real-time reconciliation between budgets and expenses, you always have full control over your budgets.

Holistic spend management

With our software and cards, the entire process from budgeting, purchase and invoice approval to payment and transfer to accounting can be managed on one consistent platform.

Product Overview

Invoice approval

From receipt and capture to verification and approval, you process all invoices and receipts quickly, easily and digitally using rule-based workflows.

Preparatory accounting

Assign receipts and postings directly, and reallocate cost centers and expense accounts. In this way, you prepare the bookkeeping efficiently for tax consultants and the internal accounting department.

Payments & company cards

Link your bank to finway and transfer open amounts directly without leaving the tool. With the virtual and physical cards, you also make flexible purchases online and offline.

Travel Expense Management

Whether it be travel costs or cash expenses – with finway you can manage all expenses and reimburse them directly to your employees.

Budget control & reporting

Comprehensive reporting gives you full transparency on settled and upcoming expenses. With real-time reconciliation between budgets and expenses, you always have full control over your budgets.

Why should companies implement spend management software?

Many departments, such as sales, marketing and HR, already work digitally and with automated solutions. Finance departments, on the other hand, often still use paper folders for their expense management, carry out manual work steps or use various isolated tools. With spend management software, companies can automate and digitize these processes to work more efficiently and productively. This gives them a better overview of all expenses and budgets. They significantly reduce the effort for their financial processes and preparatory accounting. At the same time, they gain control over payment deadlines, subscription invoices and company debit cards and can spend and optimize their budgets in a targeted manner.

How you benefit from a tool for your spend management

Spend management affects the entire company: from employees who submit purchase requests or apply for expense reimbursements, to department heads who plan budgets and approve requests and invoices, to finance departments who check and pay invoices and transfer expenses to accounting. With spend management software like finway, the entire organization can focus more on its customers, who also benefit from the solution.

How does implementing spend management software work?

A spend management tool should integrate seamlessly with your existing processes. Allow enough time for the implementation, appoint a project manager and involve your team early on. As a rule, you can fill the software with your data, such as cost centers and employees, through data uploads and thus use the tool promptly in your company. You can find more information on implementation here.

Spend Management FAQ

What is spend management?

Spend management refers to all expenses of a company that are processed, checked and paid. In this context, spend management includes all processes related to purchasing requests, collecting receipts, controlling expenses and budgets, paying open invoices, and transferring all expenses to accounting. Clean spend management is essential for companies to analyze how the budget is spent in the company and make the right strategic decisions based on this.

What are the benefits of holistic spend management?

  • All processes in one tool without media breaks
  • Full transparency thanks to digital spend management
  • Significant reduction in time and effort, resulting in greater productivity and satisfaction
  • All employees are involved, work together more effectively and thus ensure cross-departmental process optimization
  • Errors due to missed payment deadlines, unnecessary subscriptions or missing invoices are avoided
  • High degree of flexibility without relinquishing control
  • Forecast future expenses thanks to all-round data view and detailed reporting
  • Bank account connection and card integration

Get to know finway

Our experts will guide you through the tool in approx. 30 minutes without obligation and will work out potentials for your company together with you.

  • Insights into the product functions
  • Answers to all your questions
  • Individual advice for you and your team
  • Tanja Reinhardt, Account Executive bei finway
  • Saskia