E-Rechnungen in den Formaten ZUGFeRD und XRechnung ab sofort mit finway verarbeiten

Receive & process e-invoices

With finway you can receive, extract and approve e-invoices. Get ready for digital invoice processing with finway.

  • Automated extraction of XRechnung and ZUGFeRD formats
  • Conveniently upload invoices via email forwarding or drag & drop
  • Process e-invoices in the same way as PDF or paper invoices

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Over 400 companies entrust finway with digital invoice processing

Was Sie zur E-Rechung wissen müssen in 90 Sekunden (2)

Key facts about e-invoices in 90 seconds

Our founder Jennifer answers the following questions in the video:

  • Who is affected by the e-invoicing regulation?
  • What exactly becomes mandatory and when?
  • What does an e-invoice look like?
  • Why is there such an obligation after all?
E-Rechnungen in den Formaten ZUGFeRD und XRechnung ab sofort mit finway verarbeiten

Ready for the e-invoicing obligation

With finway, you can process e-invoices in the XRechnung and ZUGFeRD formats:

  • Upload e-invoices to the invoice inbox or drag & drop them
  • Send e-invoices from your mailbox to the invoice inbox via e-mail forwarding

finway extracts all the relevant information for you. You can start processing the invoice straight away.

Die Rechnungsfreigabe automatisieren Sie mit Regeln und Workflows.

Process e-invoices automatically

From receipt and collection to verification and approval: finway allows you to process all invoices digitally and automatically, regardless of whether they are XRechnung, ZUGFeRD, paper or PDF invoices.

finway ist GoBD-zertifiziert nach IDW PS 880

Revision-proof archiving of e-invoices

Has an e-invoice been checked and exported to DATEV or another accounting system? If so, you can use finway to archive the e-invoice (and of course all other invoice formats) in an Revision-proof manner with just one click. finway is GoBD-certified in accordance with IDW PS 880 and enables you to comply with the specific requirements of the German tax authorities for the proper management and storage of digital records and documents in addition to the archiving obligation.

From now on, I must be able to receive e-invoices – what’s next for the e-invoicing obligation?

As part of the Growth Opportunities Act, it is mandatory to be able to technically receive and process e-invoices since January 1st, 2025. To date, there has been a statutory transitional period for issuing e-invoices until 2028 the latest. However, in view of the expected high implementation costs on the part of companies, the legislator has provided for a transitional arrangement for the years 2025 to 2027:

From 2025 on

Since 1 January 2025, e-invoicing is mandatory for B2B companies in Germany: Invoices over €250 must be able to be received electronically.

Until end of 2026

Until December 31st 2026, paper invoices may continue to be sent for B2B transactions carried out in 2025 and 2026, just like electronic invoices that do not yet comply with the new format-

Until end of 2027

Until 31 December 2027, paper invoices may continue to be sent for B2B sales carried out in 2027, just like electronic invoices that do not yet comply with the new format. Please note: The prerequisite for this regulation is that the invoice issuer has a previous year’s turnover (total turnover 2026) of no more than 800,000 euros. Companies whose turnover exceeds this limit can continue to use electronic data interchange (EDI procedure), even if the format of the electronic invoice does not yet comply with the European standard (94/820/EC).

From 2028 on

From 1 January 2028 on, it will be mandatory to comply with all e-invoicing requirements.

We often receive these questions

FAQ about e-invoices

What advantages does an e-invoice offer?

E-invoices save time and money: no printing or postage costs, faster processing and fewer errors thanks to standardised formats. They also offer transparency in the processing status and enable flexible, location-independent creation.

What does the e-invoicing obligation mean for my company?

From now on, all B2B companies in Germany must be able to receive electronic invoices. This means that invoices must be prepared, processed and archived in the prescribed format. Switching to e-invoices saves time and money and avoids errors.

What e-invoice formats are available?

The most important formats in Germany are:

  • ZUGFeRD: Combines an XML file and a PDF, and is therefore readable by both machines and the human eye.
  • X-Rechnung: Consists only of an XML file and is therefore only machine-readable.

Further examples include: Peppol BIS (Austria), FatturaPA (Italy), Factur-X (France). All formats comply with the EU standard EN 16931.

What is the difference between X-Invoice and ZUGFeRD?


  • Structured invoice format, based on an XML file
  • Not readable for humans with the bare eye
  • Programmes (such as finway) translate the content into an invoice
  • Already in use in the B2B sector since 2020


  • Stands for Central User Guide of the Forum for Electronic Invoicing Germany
  • Structured invoice format, based on an XML file and a PDF file
  • Readable for humans with the naked eye due to the attached PDF
  • The XML content is translated into an invoice using programmes (such as finway) and the data is checked for consistency with the PDF file

Why is a PDF invoice not an e-invoice?

Although PDF invoices are static documents, they do not contain any structured, machine-readable data. E-invoices in the XRechnung or ZUGFeRD formats consist of machine-readable data that can be processed automatically by accounting software.
A PDF document can therefore be part of an e-invoice (e.g. as a visual representation), but does not fulfil the requirements on its own if it does not also contain integrated structured data.

What mandatory information should be included in an e-invoice?

The details are similar to those of paper invoices:

  • Name and address of sender and recipient
  • Tax number/USt-ID
  • E-Mail-adress
  • Invoice date and number
  • Terms of payment and bank details
  • Detailed invoice items
  • Value added tax and buyer reference

How can I check if an e-invoice is correct?

Make sure that you have entered all mandatory information correctly. To check the format yourself, there are already various validation tools available. These are special online or software tools that check whether the format complies with the standards. We prefer to use portinvoice, where you can validate XRechnung and ZUGFeRD formatsfree of charge.

How long do e-invoices have to be stored?

In Germany, e-invoices are subject to the same statutory retention periods as paper invoices. They must be archived for at least 10 years in an unalterable and readable format. You must therefore ensure that the digital documents are protected against loss, changes or unauthorised access during this time. finway provides you with an revision-proof archive with which you can easily comply with this obligation.

What happens if I ignore the e-invoicing obligation?

Ignoring the e-invoicing obligation can have serious consequences:

  • Legal consequences: Invoices that are not in the prescribed format could be rejected by recipients. There is also a risk of fines for non-compliance with the regulations.
  • Tax risks: Inadequate invoices can cause problems with VAT refunds.
  • Delays in payment: Companies that are unable to provide e-invoices risk delays or even payment defaults.
  • Competitive disadvantage: Companies that do not fulfil the requirements appear less professional and could be avoided by business partners.

Switching to e-invoices in good time is crucial to avoid legal and financial risks and to work more efficiently.

How secure are e-invoices?

Thanks to standardised formats and digital transmission, e-invoices offer a high level of security. Here are the most important protection mechanisms:

  • Encryption: Data is transmitted in encrypted form so that it is protected against unauthorised access.
  • Authentication: Digital signatures and certificates guarantee that the invoice actually originates from the specified sender and has not been manipulated.
  • Integrity of the data: The content of the e-bill remains unchanged, which prevents manipulation.
  • Revision-proof archiving: E-invoices can be stored securely and tracked seamlessly if required.

Start receiving e-invoices straight away

Receive & process e-invoices – we’ll show you how

Give your finance team the tools they deserve.
We will be happy to advise you – free of charge and of course without obligation.

Get to know finway

Our experts will guide you through the tool in approx. 30 minutes without obligation and will work out potentials for your company together with you.

  • Insights into the product functions
  • Answers to all your questions
  • Individual advice for you and your team
  • Tanja Reinhardt, Account Executive bei finway
  • Saskia