Finances are complicated. Until now!



With finway

In finway können Sie alle Ihre Finanzprozesse über eine Plattform managen und dabei all Ihre Mitarbeitenden miteinbeziehen.

Simply clear!

finway simplifies the effort for your financial processes holistically at all levels for all employees. You process all expenses on a consistent platform, always have a clear overview of budgets and payments and can thus make the right decisions for your company.

Gemeinsam mit unseren Customer Success Manager:innen setzen Sie Ihre finway Instanz auf.

Hand in hand

From testing to implementation of finway, we support you and answer all individual questions. We want you to be sure of your decision in the end and evaluate together with you how you can best use finway for your company.

Your personal onboarding

Step 1

Use the test environment we provide to test your workflows

We support you in evaluating finway and want you to be sure of your decision in the end. For this purpose, we provide you with our tool free of charge for 14 days in a test environment. Test finway with employees of different organisational levels and evaluate the advantages finway offers you. During this period, we will of course support you and help you to use finway in the best possible way.

Step 2

Appoint a project manager

As an implementation and onboarding champion, the project manager is primarily responsible for the introduction of finway in your company and should accompany the entire process, plan, oversee communication and distribute responsibilities. Therefore, actively involve the project manager from the very beginning to ensure that the implementation runs smoothly. You should allow a total of 2 weeks for the set-up and onboarding; the workload usually amounts to only 2 to 3 meetings of 1 hour each and another 1 to 2 hours on your side. Ideally, you should already set a clear timeframe for the implementation with your finway Customer Success Manager from the time you sign the contract.

Step 3

Discuss clear timeframes for the implementation of the project with your direct contacts at finway.

Get your staff on board at an early stage. Change is always a challenge. But they can be solved smoothly if everyone pulls together. Transparency and clear communication are important. Explain the added value and the why to your staff. Show them that finway can save your employees up to 85% of time and effort, and that annoying paperwork can be avoided.

Step 4

How do you upload your company data?

Of course, you can fill your software instance on your own. However, our recommendation is to use our onboarding template to upload your employees, cost centres, suppliers, subscriptions and G/L accounts in one go. This can be done with Excel, but also Google Sheets. With built-in data validation, we can speed up and simplify the process. Ideally, you start collecting the data in advance.

Step 5

Allow enough time for internal communication and the changeover.

After you have gained access to your instance, we will help you to make the first basic settings (bank connection, checking cost centres, KYB process, etc.). Depending on the onboarding package you have chosen, we arrange appointments with you and your employees in which we explain the functionalities and possibilities with finway to everyone. Of course, we will also be at your disposal afterwards. You can contact our support team at any time if you have further questions. We will proactively contact you about new versions and functionalities.

Personal service – All the time

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Dedicated Customer Success Manager

A dedicated Customer Success Manager will discuss the various steps that need to be taken during implementation up to the productive use of finway.


Individual schedule and coaching

In order for you to be able to use finway as quickly as possible, we work out a timetable together with different coaching offers during the contract design. This should allow enough time to include all staff members who will use finway, but still proceed quickly.

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Your finway setup

In order to fully use finway, your bank must be connected via an interface regulated by PSD2. Your bank accounts are connected to finway via so-called “interfaces” – mostly the modern and preferred interface XS2A is used, more rarely also the somewhat older finTS interface.

Get to know finway

Our experts will guide you through the tool in approx. 30 minutes without obligation and will work out potentials for your company together with you.

  • Insights into the product functions
  • Answers to all your questions
  • Individual advice for you and your team
  • Tanja Reinhardt, Account Executive bei finway
  • Saskia