finway Product Update: August 2022

Extended filter options, the customizable DATEV note and export and UI improvements make working with finway even more convenient.

Quick filters for easy navigation

Keep track with quick filters and advanced filtering options

Admins and approvers can keep track of everything in the dashboard with the new quick filters: to-dos, own requests and overdue invoices can be filtered through them directly.
In addition to the new quick filters, we have also optimized existing filters: They can now be saved across sessions, the filter options have been refined and also newly introduced in the tabs Subscriptions, Cards, Transactions, Employees, Cost Centers, Suppliers and Workflows.

Customize notes for DATEV Unternehmen online to transfer all important information

Transfer all important information with the DATEV note

Specify individually which information should be transferred to DATEV Unternehmen online (DUO) as a note in addition to the usual document data. For example, would you like to transfer the description that cannot currently be transferred via the standard fields? With the new function you have the possibility to define in the settings, which information should be transferred per request type (for subscriptions, reimbursement with/without article, etc.). In this way, the information you require is exported as a note via the live interface or an XML file directly from finway to DUO (within a 120-character limit on the part of DATEV).

Export and UI improvements

Optimized CSV export

The CSV export file in the card wallet (account statement) now contains additional data such as the finway request number, invoice number, supplier and vendor number. Thus, the (manual) assignment of the transaction data to the document data in accounting programs can be significantly simplified.  The standard CSV export has been optimized and now also contains the information about the performance period, if this has been defined by the user in the request.

Show and hide cost center ID

Choose in the settings if you want to show or hide cost center IDs in the dropdowns to the cost centers in finway (e.g. in requests).

Matching directly from requests

Previously, matching in finway took place in the transaction tab. In order to facilitate the workflow in the dashboard and to provide a better overview also on the request level, transactions are now displayed more prominent in the requests. In this regard, there are differences between roles:

  • Admins are now able to perform request-to-transaction matching directly from the request and view and review transactions that have already been matched.
  • Staff and approvers can now also view matched transactions, but have no rights beyond that. The new feature helps approvers and employees get a better overview of the matching and transaction status of requests and invoices.

Optimized Card Tab

Transactions and requests are now linked directly in the Card tab. This feature especially helps approvers and employees to view the spend details with one click. In addition, the spend and payment status of each card transaction can now be conveniently viewed in the card transaction list.

The “All Requests” tab for admins is back

The “All Requests” tab in the dashboard is back and provides an overview of all requests that have not been archived.

Display of bank balances

You can now see your bank balance in the linked bank accounts dropdown during the payment process – for example, you can select the suitable bank account for the payment based on the account balances. In addition, the total amount is now displayed in the dialog box giving you an overview, which is particularly helpful for collective transfers.

Further optimizations in August

Transaction-based request creation for subscriptions

You now have the option to set in your card subscriptions whether new recurring requests of this subscription should be generated based on the subscription interval (monthly, quarterly, yearly), or transaction-based, if a card has been added. With transaction-based request generation activated, a card transaction automatically triggers the generation of a request. This setting is especially useful for volume/usage-based subscriptions and payments, such as for LinkedIn or Google Ads.

Option to adjust the amount by transactions on card level

Along with this, you also now are able to select in the card level settings whether card transactions matched to an existing request (up to and including status in review) should automatically adjust the amount in the request or not. You can adjust this setting at the request level, independent of the card settings, if you want to suspend automated matching for certain requests.

The performance date is now pre-filled with the invoice date

Previously, the performance date was pre-filled with the request creation date. Now it defaults to being pre-filled with the invoice date if the information is available. If no invoice date is available, the creation date of the request will be filled in as before.

Optimizations for the interface export to DATEV Unternehmen online

  • You will receive a warning for incompatible BU codes.
  • If requests have an amount of 0 €, you will receive a warning.
  • If you use incompatible G/L account codes, you will receive a warning. At the same time, we allow special characters (“.”) in the G/L codes for Addison users.

In addition to a warning about DATEV incompatible data, we automatically exclude requests with such data from the interface export to DATEV Unternehmen online and give you the incorrect application numbers as an error message.

You decide how you want to handle complete refunds

In the case of a complete refund, for example a payment of 100€ and a complete credit note of this 100€, the request and invoice will no longer be deleted. They will be displayed with an amount of 0€ to leave you free to decide how you want to deal with these invoices. Since DATEV Unternehmen online does not accept 0€ amounts, you will receive a warning before the export.

Get to know finway

Our experts will guide you through the tool in approx. 30 minutes without obligation and will work out potentials for your company together with you.

  • Insights into the product functions
  • Answers to all your questions
  • Individual advice for you and your team
  • Tanja Reinhardt, Account Executive bei finway
  • Saskia