Day 2 at the new company, Florian started researching spend management tools. He looked at three of them, but very quickly decided on finway, without long testing: „I was then and still am in close contact with my finway CS Manager. He set up the test version for us, I briefly presented it to our CFO and he said: ‘Okay let’s go’.“
Florian’s plan to map invoice workflows and pre-accounting into finway within a week worked out well. „Back then, finway was at a completely different stage than it is now; half of the features we use today didn’t even exist then. But it was clear to me that we weren’t buying a 100% finished product, but one that we could help develop.“ So it wasn’t a blocker for Florian that finway is geared to the German market in terms of interfaces: „I was in direct contact with the product manager and finway tailored a solution for us, with which we can easily transfer the data to our external accountant via a CSV export.“
What does financial management with finway look like at Blockpit? „I have defined pre-accounting information, accounts and cost centers for all vendors and employees. All invoices end up in finway via the invoice mailbox. From there, they follow the workflows, are first approved by the department heads, and then by the CFO or me. In the next step, I also pay most of the invoices via finway.“
What does Florian rely on the most? „On the fact that no invoices get lost. In addition, the invoices automatically slide into the export area when they are paid, I don’t have to worry about something being paid twice by mistake.“